
Showing posts from November, 2017

Art History 11/14

Kevin Wagenheim 11/14 Art History For my Art Project, I inserted my head onto a portrait of Captain Oliver Hazard Perry by Edward Mooney. When I first began this project, I quickly learned that cutting out my frizzy hair is not easy one bit. So after many trials and errors of pictures and different portraits to use, I finally came up with this. I began with cutting out my face from my original picture. Then, I added a angled brush stroke filter to my face, and adjusted the brightness. Then using the clone stamp tool, I was able to continue the background and take out the original head. I then cut my face up a little better to blend in with the picture. Original Pictures:

Somewhere 11/8

Kevin Wagenheim 11/8 Somewhere I took a picture of a city skyline from Google. I then took this picture of myself to try and make it look like I was holding the top of the tallest building. After taking the picture and uploading into Photoshop, I then found that my hand needed to be a little higher. I then used the puppet warp tool to raise it instead of taking a new picture. I then lightened the background to try and match the lighting of myself in the picture.  Original Pictures: Couple of progress shots:

Autoscopy 11/8

Kevin Wagenheim 11/8 Autoscopy The first filter being used is the Glowing Edges filter on top of the Paint Daubs filter both found in Photoshop. The second filter being used is called Glitch by Creativetaco. I found this filter online, downloaded it and applied it to my picture. For the last one, I decided to mix the two together. Original Picture: