
Showing posts from October, 2017

Portrait Poster 10/31

Kevin Wagenheim Art 210 10/31 Portrait Poster For my portrait, I decided to go with the low poly self portrait style. I thought that my portrait came out cool, so I tried to make the background low poly as well using a radial gradient. For my first try at it, I thought it came out pretty well. For a final poster, I made a poster ad telling students to study digital arts to make something like this! Portrait Picture: Process Shots: Finished and Reflected: Added some hair: Background Process:

Gradient Mesh 10/27

Kevin Wagenheim 10/27 Gradient Mesh Original Photo: Proof: Work in progress shots:

Business Cards 10/15

Kevin Wagenheim Business Card Assignment 10/15

Logos 10/15

Kevin Wagenheim Logo Assignment 10/15 Logos for Kenny's Auto Center Here are some pictures I used as references:

Calligram 10/4

Kevin Wagenheim Calligram Assignment 10/4 Original: This is a Calligram of SpongeBob's self portrait. For the text on the outline, I used the SpongeBob Theme song. On the smaller parts of him, like his holes or eye lashes, I used the phrase "I'm Ready" which could be a catchphrase of his.